Monday, November 3, 2014

Mind Over Matter

For the last couple weeks I have been trying to mentally prepare myself for THE WHOLE 30. I've been reading the book IT STARTS WITH FOOD by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, and it is amazing. To follow the program I have to cut the fast foods and quick fixes out of my diet. I will have to meal plan and put some thought into what I'll be eating, but the reward of a clear mind and healthy body will be worth it. I've finally decided on a start date and it's 3 days aways. I'm working on a grocery list and meal plan. I'm going to take it day by day to make good choices that help me towards my goal of a healthier lifestyle. I truly think sticking to healthy habits is a mind over matter situation. I'm excited to get started.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Color Me Rad

So yesterday I completed the Color Me Rad 5k. I'm using it as a starting place  for me to get back in shape. It wasn't technically timed by the sponsers, but I timed myself with my phone. I did much better than I anticipated. It took me about 39 minutes to complete. Which doesn't seem like an awesome time, but for me it means I'm not as out of shape as I thought I was. My next race will be in January with my sister. I'm hoping to do well enough to finish in less than 35 minutes. It would be a personal record and a non scale victory. For anyone that has never done a Color Run, I recommend it to EVERYONE! It was so much fun and they have a big party afterwards, one of the best runs I've done. All money raised went to the Ronald McDonald House Charity. People walk, run, sprint, dance whatever gets them through. It's just a fun event for a great cause.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

I'm RAD... 2 days and counting.

Despite very little to no training for this race, and fighting a sinus infection, I have a race to run on Saturday. I said I would do it, I signed up to do it, so I'm going to do it. Color Me Rad.. technically prob a day and half away. Tomorrow is a big deal. No eating crappy fatty fried foods or drinking sodas. Lots and lots of water and body fuel foods. I need all the help I can get on this one. I hope it's the last race I'm unprepared for. It's a stepping stone in the right direction and I'm super excited. Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Here's to Accountability...

Let me begin with saying I love me. I think loving yourself is a huge important thing. If you don't love yourself, no one can. I love my outlook on life, my independence, even my short temper and impatience. What I'm about to talk about is my health, and the only reason I'm posting about this is for some accountability in my life. It's too easy for the people who love you  to tell you look great just the way you are or say I'll start next week. So this is me establishing accountability for myself and the push to start now. 

The picture on the left is me 3 years ago. The picture on the right is me last year. Now I'm some where in the middle. I feel like I'm more to the left most days. Point being I want to be me on the right again. I lost 81 lbs in less than a year. I didn't do it for all the right reasons, I didn't go about it the best way, but I loved the shape I was in at my smallest. I loved the energy I had and how easy shopping for clothes became, being able to run up the stairs without getting winded, I loved how people would tell me I was inspiring and their motivation. I took phentermine and yes it works like everyone says it does, I also worked out at least 4 days a week. The problem with taking Phentermine is when you stop taking phentermine. Your body's metabolism slumps big time.I haven't had Phentermine in a long time and it took months for me to feel a balanced level of energy again. I went from the constant wide awake almost jittery to struggling to make it through the work day. When I was first on Phentermine I worked at a hospital and only had to work 3 days a week 12 hour shifts so I always had plenty of free time to go workout or walk/run the track. Now I work at a doctor's office 5 days a week 8-5. Even on my busiest days I do not come near the pace or foot work I did at the hospital. I've gotten lazy and out of shape and stopped worrying about the food I eat as much as I used to. We get catered to at work often by the pharmaceutical reps and not to mention the treats and candies our patients bring us. So there's always temptation. I don't plan on going crazy and working out 5 days a week or eating salad without dressing every meal. I want to start slower, work out 3 days a week and make better food choices. I'm making a lifestyle change this time. Long-term, no quick fixes, or easy way out.

Let me introduce you to my jars. These jars are apart of my accountability. On the left is the number of pounds in gems I want to lose. On the right is the jar I put each "pound" in as I lose it. I'm going to post it on my blog weekly or biweekly as apart of my accountability.

Any words of encouragement, tips, or positivity is welcome.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Not Just A Year Older, But A Year Better..

I turned 25 this year. I know that getting just a year older shouldn't make that much of a difference and I'm kinda shocked that it has. I came across this post on a friend's Facebook one day, and it has summed up how I have been feeling since not long after my birthday. I love my bed frame I have, I made it with lots of help and direction from Pinterest.  I LOVE going to sleep at night. I used to be a party til the sun comes up and go on to work kinda girl, now I'm a "sure we can do something as long as I'm in bed by ten" kind of girl. My fridge has switched from a PBR to a Sam Adams fridge. I get  excited to stay in and cook some real food (usually with wine, in my hand) than to go anywhere and eat. When I go shopping I am constantly criticizing the clothes on display with a "WTF" facial expression or out loud exclamation. No one needs shorts that looks like a permanent camel toe. Gross. NO ONE. I've also started shopping around for anti wrinkle cream and have stopped tanning. It only took one wrinkle to show up in a selfie and I was done. Now I focus my energy and time on things that actually matter like my health, my job, and my sleep. Read, Enjoy, Share a way.

What's In A Name?

I am shamefully going to admit that I spent the last two days trying to think of a name for my blog. I don't think it should have been so difficult, except I was not a hundred percent sure what I would write about. I have read hundreds of blogs over the last few years, down loaded the apps, got the emails, and pinned the links. I just never thought it would really be something I could do myself. I'm still not convinced it is, but my sister says I'm better at this kind of thing than I give myself credit for. I asked her for help to pick a name. (She still has not got back to me on that, I'm thinking I just start blogging and see how long it takes her to figure it out .) She started by asking me what I would post about, my natural response was, "Hell if I know." Which is true, and if anyone ever follows me they'll learn I speak several languages, "real talk, profanity, and sarcasm."  I tried to tell my sister I probably wouldn't write anything anyone would want to read. She has a blog herself, which is where some of my inspiration came from to make one myself. It might be because I'm the younger one (by 364 days) but to me my sister does everything right. She got all the good genes from the pool and I got left with the duds. I'm sure it's probably not true, but when she can create things from thin air, sing in a way that people actually want to listen, and the most aggravating of all the "skinny gene" It makes it hard to still love her. Just kidding. She's my best friend. She's my go to for everything. I told her no one would want to read about a single party girl with domestic skills and she convinced me otherwise. Today I got to thinking about a name again, so I do what I always do, I Googled it. That turned into a couple hour process of no purpose what so ever. I did learn a few things about the origins of popular  sayings and when the deadline for early registration for a 5k I wanna run is, but no help with a name. I finally got frustrated and went against all the tips and guidelines I had read over those couple hours and went with a phrase I use on a daily basis, I left off the first two words I commonly use with it, but I think the point comes across. 

Me and My Sister.

Check out her blog: